Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lipton's Seat

Haputale in Colombo Badulla district, located 173 KM (107 miles) in altitude, 4,695 feet high. Is one of the places it is very rich in biodiversity, can be a very beautiful view of the southern plains. Hotel Colombo is about 193km from the town of beautiful places in Sri Lanka do not doubt that one. Haputale hiking and good tracking is a refreshing workout. Haputale the main attraction of the bungalows and Liptons seats, Adisham famous Dambatenna car factory.

Dambatenne car factory, near the Observatory of rival Lipton's seat of the world at the end of the forecast (and free) Scottish tea baron Thomas Lipton used his burgeoning empire from here to investigate.

Get through the lush tea plantations on the lookout for a tea factory and 7km from climbing the narrow paved road sign. Rising from the tea plant takes about 2 ½ hours, first bus 6:30 a.m. to Haputale departure. Uphill walk to Lipton's seat of Tamil tea hair you go off to work, the company expects.

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