Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Knuckles Mountain Range of central Sri Lanka, Kandy city is located in the northeast. Range when viewed from a specific location in the recumbent folds, and the Kandy district tight fist knuckle of the fist and the similarity of consecutive peaks in the west of the massif, takes its name has

This name is assigned by early British surveyors, while the Sinhalese residents has traditionally the Dumbara Kanduvetiya means fog and mountain range (Cooray, 1984) and in the same area as mentioned. Often robed thick layer of clouds, but the entire region to add to the aesthetic value of stunning scenery of a large range of scientific interest. It is a climatic microcosm of the rest of Sri Lanka. All conditions of the local climate in the country are exhibited in the massif. Series of some of the high altitude can not be found anywhere else in the world, harboring a variety of flora and fauna of isolated cloud forests. Of the biodiversity of this country, but in the range of about 0.03% of the total area of the island is home to a significantly higher percentage.

Colombo, Matale district, is located 142km to the knuckle of the top of the hill in one of the Rattota - Pallegama the middle of the road. In path Rattota, Riverstan bending consists of up to 14. Beautiful mountain in the range of climate change and it is often located in a wind break and various finger joints on the top of the hill is one of the Riverstan foreign and local tourists with high popularity. Two communication towers were installed to the top of the mountain, the Riverstan Minutes every time it has been changed from time to time to get a little sun rays, and the occasional cool breeze, but the thick fog and the wind and most of the time a dedicated access road for them, but can not be used more than any vehicle Riverstan difference. Climate such an amazing, really, were briskly blowing. the forest dwarf tree configuration. Many orchids "Maha rewla" (old man's beard) and loneliness had driven them to the fog forever fresh & WEST appearance became. This Pitawala pathana and knuckle discussed range from the lonely village of charm. The surrounding area is covered with a shawl of mist, because Riverstan Bamarakiriella of a small waterfall near the town.

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